logo design

Which Type of Logo Is Right for Your Business?

There are logos in daily life. You notice them on your refrigerator when you wake up in the morning, on your way to work in your car, and when you sit down at your computer desk. You might not give something so ordinary any thought. However, most people are unaware of just how complex logos and logo design really are.

There are numerous logos categories. We’ll talk about a couple of them, and you may choose the one that best suits your company based on the attributes of each logo. Additionally, to get a professional logo design in the USA, clients can reach out to any logo design company in the USA that fits their budget and matches their aesthetic.

  1. Emblems

Probably the most ancient type of logo is an emblem. They are also called crests or seals, and their use dates back at least to the Middle Ages. A logo that has text enclosed in a symbol is called an emblem. Its timeless appearance lends a traditional feel to your brand. Because they establish the brand/company as official and professional, you’ll see them utilized frequently by government organizations and educational institutions.

Compared to other logo kinds, emblems frequently have finer lines and more minutely detailed images. But this isn’t a strict guideline. The Harley Davidson logo consists of a crest nested inside a plain sans serif lettering.

  1. Logotypes

Also known as a “wordmark,” logotypes are logos that are built entirely of the word or words that make up the company’s name. The main focus here is typography, obviously. This style of logo strongly ties a brand’s visual identity to the name of the company.

Because of this, you’ll have to choose or create your font carefully. The shape, style, and color of the words convey almost as much meaning as the words themselves. This is even more important if your company’s name is a casual word like so many are these days. A very prominent example is Google.

The Google logotype is impactful because the font is simple and elegant — like their products — but made up of many colors. The different colors represent the multitude of results you get when searching on Google and the diversity of their product lineup. The bright colors are fun and accessible, which makes sense when you consider Google wants its products to be used universally and not intimidate new users.

  1. Monogram logos

Monograms aren’t just for towels anymore! Whether it’s because the initials make a cool word, like TASER, or the name is just ungainly, like Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (more commonly known as 3M), it’s easy to think of reasons why your company would go by its initialism or acronym.

Suppose this sounds like your company; a monogram probably makes more sense than a logotype. This style of logo focuses the name down to the memorable (and pronounceable) parts. You probably refer to HBO as HBO rather than Home Box Office. If that’s something you’re looking to achieve, the monogram is a no-brainer for your brand. To get a monogram logo, you can easily avail of professional logo design services in the USA.

Again, the typography and font are key with monograms (also known as letter marks). You can get even more creative with the styling of the letters since legibility is less of an issue than with logotypes. The fewer letters there are, the less likely someone will read them incorrectly. Think of Louis Vuitton, Chanel, or Gucci as examples of fashion firms that use the monogram emblem, which is a readily identifiable representation of their brand.

  1. Brand marks

As we learn more about the types of logos, you may notice that we’re getting further and further away from the use of words. You can think of this like the ever-increasing difficulty in a video game — the further you get away from explicit text, the more weight the actual image will have to carry.

This brings us to the brand mark (also called a ‘pictorial mark’). The imagery you choose for your company logo has to be incredibly iconic for the average customer to recognize and identify it. Often, these logos evolve over time from one of the above types. Think of how the Starbucks logo began as an emblem but is now simply a drawing of a mermaid.

  1. Abstract logo marks

Sticking with pictures but moving away from literal representation, we have the abstract logo. This logotype is used when you want to use an image but don’t want to be constrained by a literal representation. You can create an abstract logo that evokes a feeling more than a thought. These can be difficult, as not everyone will interpret an image the same way.

The cool thing about these kinds of logos is that once you establish your brand, no one else will have a logo that is exactly like yours because your logo will be exclusive. From the beginning, you’ll have no trouble setting your brand apart from the competition, and it will become easy to make your mark in your respective business industry.

“The Nike Swoosh” is one example of an abstract logo. It exudes energy and movement and is quick and energetic. It is sufficient to know the brand behind a product or commercial without even having to see the word Nike. You also get a decent understanding of what the brand stands for, even if you’re not familiar with it.

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